There are some costs involved in attending school. Please contact our school for details about what your child may need so you can plan your budget.
Voluntary school contributions
Like all NSW public schools, we can request contributions to enhance our educational and sporting programs including elective subjects. School contributions help provide additional educational resources for the benefit of students. Payment is voluntary.
For more information, visit the Voluntary School Contribution policy.
Financial assistance
If you are unable to pay school contributions because of financial hardship, you may be eligible for assistance from the school.
Our principal will ensure no student or family suffers any discrimination or embarrassment over the inability to pay school contributions.
School contribution schedule
Schedule of school contribution fees
Payment for fees and excursions can be made at the School Administration Office by cash or eftpos or online via the make a payment tab on the school website.
Online payments
Online payments are available for your convenience through our school website.
You will find the make a payment link and button on the ribbon on the school's website. Simply select this link and you will be taken to a secure Westpac payment page.
You will be asked to complete some details before completing the payment and a receipt can then be printed or emailed to you.
Payment details will be provided on the school statement of account or school specific payment details.
The payment screens are:
- Entering payment details
- Entering credit card details
- Confirmation of payment details and
- Online payment receipt
Entering payment details
The payment details screen captures students and payment details. This allows for identification of the student that the payment applied to and what the payment is for.
This is critical to ensure that the right student is credited for the right items.
The preferred method of ensuring the correct student is credited for the right items is to enter the students class or year and their date of birth.
The payment details should come from the school statement of account or listing that the school issues.
There can be more than one payment line for all items except voluntary school contributions, the items are:
- Voluntary school contributions (1 payment line) use this for general contributions or donations
- Subject contributions (up to 10 payment lines) use this for contributions for specific subjects. For example visual arts, industrial arts.
- Excursions (up to 5 payment lines) use this for specific excursions. For example zoo and opera house.
- Sport (up to 5 payment lines) use this for any sporting activities. For example carnivals and weekly sport activities.
- Creative and practical arts (up to 5 payment lines) use this for drama, dance, craft.
- Sales to students (up to 5 payment lines) use this for anything purchased by a student that becomes the property of the student.
- Other (up to 5 payment lines) this may be used for paying total amounts owed by a student. For example complete student statement of account.
If you are unsure of which box to choose, please contact the school and ask for clarification.
Please contact the school on 02 9728 7071 if you need assistance in making your online payments.
Link to parent and carer instructions online payment Instructions (PDF 242KB)
Please note: School uniforms can not be paid for using the school online payment system.